Free Phone Consultation With Dr. Karl
We recommend that all new patients begin with a FREE, no-obligation phone consultation with Dr. Karl to determine if Chiropractic Performance Solutions is the right place for you. The FREE phone consultation is designed specifically for those who cannot decide whether to make an appointment, as well as for those who would like to ask questions about their condition before making an appointment. The complete, in-depth consultation usually lasts fifteen to thirty minutes and requires an appointment time for the doctor to call you. If you prefer to ask a question via e-mail, just fill out the message box below and Dr. Karl will get back to you as soon as he can.
Ask Dr. Karl Via Email
If you wish to contact us by e-mail, fax, phone or letter please contact us at:
Chiropractic Performance Solutions
24120 Meadowbrook Road
Suite 200
Novi, MI 48375
Phone: 248-477-2100
Fax: 248-477-8820
If you have any questions or would like to speak to Dr. Karl, please fill out the form below:
You can submit a short video of your movement assessment or gait analysis for Dr. Karl to review.