Sports Injuries in Farmington Michigan
Sports injuries range from sprains, to fractures to broken bones. Any athlete has a chance of getting injured while playing their sport. Oftentimes, sports injuries that disappear return at some point, much more painful than before. Sports injuries can affect your athletic performance and inhibit you from playing in competitions. If not treated, these injuries may lead to trouble with every day activities.
Treatments for Sports Injuries in Farmington Michigan
Sports injuries are often slow to respond to traditional medication and therapy. At CPS in Farmington Michigan, we can treat your sports injury through Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, Kinesio Taping, MLS Laser Therapy or Active Release Technique (ART).These treatments successfully treat common injuries such as shin splits, sciatica,headaches, body pain, carpal tunnel and much more.
Chiropractic Performance Solutions
If you would like to learn more about sports injuries and how it can benefit you, please call us at 248-477-2100.