Free Consultation With Dr. Karl
We recommend that all new patients begin with a FREE, no-obligation phone consultation with Dr. Karl to determine if Chiropractic Performance Solutions is the right place for you. The FREE phone consultation is designed specifically for those who cannot decide whether to make an appointment, as well as for those who would like to ask questions about their condition before making an appointment. The complete, in-depth consultation usually lasts fifteen to thirty minutes and requires an appointment time for the doctor to call you. If you prefer to ask a question via e-mail, just fill out the message box on the Ask the Doctor page and Dr. Karl will get back to you as soon as he can.
What to Expect on your First Visit
By consulting with our office, you’re taking an exciting first step toward better health. Chiropractic Performance Solutions is different from most health care providers—a difference that offers you new ways to get well and stay well. The first thing we offer is hope—you’ll receive plenty of that here. Our goal is to answer as many of your questions as we can before you come to our office.
Your first visit will begin with meeting Dr. Karl after you complete some brief paperwork describing yourself, your health history, and your health goals. If you’re a good candidate for chiropractic care and we think we can help, an examination will follow. Our examination is thorough and will put you at ease. We’ll study the way you turn and bend. We may test your reflexes. These and other physical, orthopedic, and chiropractic tests will help us to locate areas of your spine that could be the cause of your problem. We’ll study the results and give you a complete report of our findings, showing you what we found and the conclusions we reached. If we believe you will benefit from consulting a different practitioner, we’ll make the proper referral; otherwise, we’ll recommend a program of treatments tailored to correct the cause of your problem. This examination may include a radiographic evaluation of one or more areas. Once the examination is completed, the doctor will discuss what is wrong, whether he can help, and what the initial treatment plan will be. After answering all of your questions, you can proceed to the front desk, where our staff will discuss and answer any questions you have regarding insurance coverage and payment for your care.
What do new patients need to bring to their initial appointment?
When you come for your first appointment, please bring your identification, insurance information, and the completed new-patient forms listed above. It is also important to bring any previous X-ray, MRI, CT report, or films relevant to the problem for which you are seeking help. You may have to request this information from doctors who have previously treated you. Having this information available for the doctor on the initial visit speeds the diagnosis process. It is also important that you wear appropriate clothing so the examination will be comfortable for both you and the doctor. Bike shorts, sport bras, etc., are essential for the examination of some areas of the body.